testCategory: Temerity Insights

Why We Are Pre-Seed Impact VC Investors

Discovering and believing in a startup that successfully matures into a large, profitable company is nearly equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack. We are on the hunt for a needle in a hayfield: the early-stage + impact startup.

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Chipping Away At Toxic Partisanship – Embracing Rank Choice Voting

If one believes restoring democracy in the United States requires a functional two-party system, Rank Choice Voting (also known as RCV) is an important improvement to our current voting process.

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Our Plan to Invest in 10 Impact Startups in 2022

We are looking for founders with scalable financial inclusion and impact-as-a-service products that strengthen vulnerable communities. 

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Why No One Invests in CivicTech, But We Do

If we don’t begin to invest in civic solutions with the same vigor as we do transportation, housing, finances, and food – is our democracy doomed?

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How Baseball Revitalized a Venerable Mill Town

Baseball might not seem like the economic catalyst Kannapolis, N.C. needed. Yet for this former mill town, once the top global producer of towels, baseball is driving the community’s revitalization.

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Why We Invest in Credit Building Fintech Solutions

You can’t build credit if you can’t access credit. Within this paradox lies our investment strategy: break this Catch-22 by investing in credit building products designed for people with poor credit and debt.

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Bloomberg dives into Ranked Choice Voting

Bloomberg speaks to FairVote, an organization the Sandler Family Foundation supports.

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Increased scrutiny makes data more important than ever

To quote a great American philosopher (and pretty good baseball player and manager), Yogi Berra,  in the Fair Lending world, “It is deja vu all over again.”

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NatGeo: How COVID Could Transform the Food System

Temerity invested in 4P Foods at the start of the COVID-19 crisis because leadership determined it was a no-brainer: A…

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