testAuthor: Andy Sandler

Celebrating a Victory for DC Cancer Patients

The opening of Cancer Support Community’s Washington, D.C., facility on Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard in Ward 8 is the culmination of…

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Chipping Away At Toxic Partisanship – Embracing Rank Choice Voting

If one believes restoring democracy in the United States requires a functional two-party system, Rank Choice Voting (also known as RCV) is an important improvement to our current voting process.

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Andy Sandler Tips Hat to MLB on Voting Rights Stance

By moving the All-Star Game,  MLB has taken an important step in advancing Baseball’s claim to be America’s Pastime.

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Increased scrutiny makes data more important than ever

To quote a great American philosopher (and pretty good baseball player and manager), Yogi Berra,  in the Fair Lending world, “It is deja vu all over again.”

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Andy Sandler on Labor Day past, present, & future

Where is that life now for first generation Americans without formal education? 

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A grandfather’s hopeful outlook

Jack, my promise to you is that I will do my best to contribute through words and deeds to move our country forward.

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The Sandler Family Foundation: Giving During COVID-19

In this pandemic, every thing we do that shows our humanity and connects with others in need matters more than ever.

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Leveraging Human Expertise

It is critical to think about RegTech as an opportunity to leverage subject matter expertise – not a substitute for such expertise.

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